I think I am slowly losing my mind because for some reason I was convinced Father’s Day was the Sunday before this past Sunday so I scheduled a 3-D ultrasound Friday the 11th to surprise Chris with photos of captain awesome. I excitedly rushed home to give him his present only to discover that I was a week early. Better early than late I guess ;-)
The ultrasound was so much fun because it finally allowed us to get an idea what Elec looks like. In our previous ultrasounds Elec moved around the entire time or hid his face so we had no clue what he looked like or even if he had two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. We were relieved to find out he does have all of the above. He was fast asleep the entire appointment and had his face pressed up against my uterus which is why his little nose looks really flat. The ultrasound technician tried poking him, rolling me on my side, and every trick in the book to get him to wake up and move his face away from my uterus but all he did was pout, yawn, and stick his tongue out when she poked him and tried to move him. Looks like we might have a stubborn one on our hands…..I guess he comes by it honestly. Chris is convinced that his nose really isn’t smashed at all and claims it looks just like his nose (which is kind of does)….he is also convinced that captain awesome looks just like him and nothing like me. Can’t wait for him to arrive so we can see if his daddy is correct. Here are the photos of our baby boy at 30 weeks.

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