Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Excellent News!!

Chris and I are so excited to share the wonderful news we received this morning at our second appointment with the specialist… Captain Awesome’s heart fixed itself and is now PERFECT! We were overcome with a sense of relief and joy when the doctor told us that his tricuspid valve is no longer regurgitating blood like it was at 13 weeks and is working just like it should be.  Now we can relax and enjoy each and every day of the rest of our pregnancy.  We also scored another DVD of Captain Awesome and some really cool 3D photos. Once again the doctor was unable to get a good photo of his face because he continues to be the world’s most active little fetus but he did manage to get a pretty good picture of his penis!

The best photo the doctor could capture of his face today

Showing us that he definitely is a BOY!

Kicking his little legs


  1. Cute! Megan - again - I'm so relieved and happy for you and Chris.

  2. YAaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!! Captain Awesome is the cutest lil' guy ever! I am so glad to hear that he's healthy and still dancin' in your belly! I love you guys! Aunt B

  3. i am so glad everything is okay!! those photos are AWESOME.

  4. I am so happy for y'all! And these pictures are amazing--he is the cutest little guy!! I can't wait to meet him. :)

  5. Congrats, Megan!! You look great & I am SO happy to hear all is well! May I put a link to your blog on mine?
