I officially crown myself “worlds WORST blogger”! I knew when I created this blog that I was going to start stressing about not having the time to update it and worry about keeping everyone informed via the blog….which is exactly what I have been doing. Life has been more than hectic lately so I promise I really do have several good excuses as to why I haven’t posted anything in a couple of months and here they are.......
Chris and I have both been working until at least 9pm every night (which is a wonderful thing since we are both so bust in this economy but can be stressful at times now that I am preggers), our house is completely turned upside-down as a result of our decision to gut our kitchen and bathroom, paint the entire inside, re-carpet, and put in new hardwood floors around my sixth month of pregnancy, and we are trying to purchase new furniture and get rid of some of the old furniture by the time captain awesome arrives. I think we were a bit insane to start a remodel when we did but we couldn’t be more excited about how amazing our house is beginning to look. I have no doubt that once it is all over it will be worth all the dust, not having a kitchen or bath for over 6 weeks, and the hectic state our house is currently in. .... I just hope it is all over before the baby gets here or before I lose my mind ;-)
The month of May was quite eventful so I am going to try to catch everyone up as best I can since it could easily be another month or two before I find the time to post again.
The most eventful thing that occurred in May was the birth of Elec’s cousin (technically second cousin) Charles Field Burrus!! He was born on May 11th and we are dying to meet him and can't believe it is only two and a half more weeks until we get to see him for the very first time. Here he is. Isn’t he to die for?!!
Charlie and his Mama (My cousin Katie) 

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